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Sandy victims might get indefinite reprieve on federal disaster clawback repayments

Destroyed homes from Superstorm Sandy

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2022 marks a decade since Superstorm Sandy made landfall on the east coast, plunging our New Jersey communities into a long, exhausting, and still incomplete recovery process. As part of a national coalition of storm survivors and organizations from New Jersey, Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Puerto Rico, we gathered on the tenth anniversary of Sandy to call for a disaster recovery system that actually works, powered by the solutions that survivors have long been calling for. We were graciously hosted by Carol and Jim Ferraioli, longtime NJOP members who were only able to finish rebuilding from Sandy and return home in February 2020.

This year also brings the 5-year anniversaries of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, the 1-year anniversary of Hurricane Ida, and two devastating new storms in Florida and Puerto Rico: Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. Although we come from different states, storms, and walks of life, storm survivors from across the country are struggling under the same broken system, and are now working together to call for national reform. 

Survivors know what’s broken, and we also know how to fix it. In addition to the tenth anniversary event, the coalition released a report calling for five key fixes. Read the report here: But Next Time: Storm Survivors Demand Overhaul of Disaster Recovery System.

Our press from the tenth anniversary event, as well as from NJOP members’ continued work to fight for a fair Sandy recovery, reached an audience of nearly 65,000,000. Check out the coverage we’ve been receiving down below. 

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